
Shaftless Unwind and Rewind Stands
US Webcon offers a complete line of Shaftless Unwind
and Rewind stands to meet your production needs with numerous features
and options to fit your specific requirements. If the machines listed
below do not meet your needs give our engineers a call to discuss
your specific requirements.
Heavy Duty Shaftless Unwind and Rewind
US Webcon offers a complete line of stand alone heavy duty Center Unwinds
and Rewinds designed to control your web with state of the art tension
control systems and guiding systems. Constructed of heavy steel plate
for long life.
- Tension control (manual/automatic)
- Edge guiding
- Skew rolls
Medium Duty Shaftless Unwind and Rewind Stands
US Webcon offers a complete line of stand alone Center Unwinds and Rewinds
designed to control your web with state of the art tension control systems
and guiding systems. Constructed of tubular steel for economical pricing.
- Tension control (manual/automatic)
- Edge guiding
- Skew rolls
Skyhook with Floor Pick up
The Skyhook with shaftless and floor pick up options is designed to
expertly unwind your web while protecting your employees from injuries
due to lifting heavy shafts and handling heavy rolls.
- Designed for light, medium and heavy applications
- Floor pickup
- Shafted, shaftless, or shaftless with variable position pedestals
(for varying web widths)
- Center, surface, or center/surface driven
- Capability for web widths ranging from 24 - 140 inches
- Up to 72-inch roll diameter
- Open "C-shaped" base for easy loading and small footprint
- Can pick up or set down small diameter rolls
US Webcon can modify the above design to meet your specific needs and
requirements. Call us to discuss your application with one of our engineers
at (570) 644-1401.